PhD students and their follow-up positions
Wande Li (2024)
Visiting PhD student from East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Felix Klaus (2023)
Local and landscape threats to bee and wasp populations in agricultural landscapes
Scientific employee: Institute for Bee Protection, Julius Kühn-Institute, Germany
Gabriel Marcacci (2022)
Agricultural biodiversity and associated services across rural-urban landscapes in India
Postdoc: Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach, Switzerland
Annemarie Wurz (2021)
Biodiversity and ecosystem services of agro-ecologically optimized cultivation
Postdoc: Conservation Ecology, University of Marburg, Germany
Kevin Li (2020)
Pollination function and service in a rainforest transformatoin landscapes in Sumatra, Indonesia
Postdoc: School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, USA
Felipe Librán-Embid (2020)
Biodiversity patterns and processes across landscapes differing in local habitat composition and configuration
Postdoc: Institute of Geobotany, Leibnitz University of Hannover, Germany
Arne Wenzel (2020)
Agricultural biodiversity and associated services across rural-urban landscapes
Postdoc: EFForTS project & Functional Agrobiodiversity, University of Göttingen, Germany
MSc & BSc students, interns
Ashtha Gurung (2024)
Effects of functional traits and habitat characteristics on seed dispersal by frugivorous birds in Caribbean lowland rainforest fragments in Costa Rica
Henrike Hartmann (2024)
Impacts of agricultural development pathways on arthropod diversity on smallholder farms: A case study from Zambia
Katharina Heinrich (2024)
Comparing bird identification from automated audio recordings: Is artificial intelligence an alternative to expert knowledge?
Eduardo Rodgríguez (2024)
Assessing the impact of rainforest habitat fragmentation on bird populations in Costa Rica using automated acoustic monitoring
Niclas Magnussen (2024)
Bedeutung der Landschaftsdiversität für die Populationsentwicklung von Singvögeln
Juliana Herran Garcia (2024)
Influence of agricultural habitat transformation on bat biodiversity and activity in South Africa through acoustic monitoring
David Becker (2024)
Effects of rainforest fragmentation on the resilience of trophic interaction networks between frugivorous birds and fruit-bearing trees
Moritz Landgraf (2024)
Assessing and comparing the wild bee and butterfly diversity of regional crops
Klara Dietrich (2024)
Management system to solve the trade-off between agricultural yields and biodiversity: an assessment in the mediterranean olive orchards
Haruto Honda (2024)
The possibility of automated acoustic monitoring for avian species: A case from Indonesia
Valentin Bernhardt (2024)
Einfluss des Wolfs auf Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Deutschland
Angelina Stockinger (2024)
Effects of ecosystem restoration in Indonesian oil palm plantations on birds, bats and arthropods
Laura Störzer (2024)
Biodiversity enrichment in Indonesian oil palm plantations is possible without compromising yields
María García Bianco (2023)
Composition and diversity of bird communities in a South African farmland landscape
Marielena Margraf (2023)
Evaluating the potential for airport bird strike risk from urban regeneration using nature-based solutions: a case study in London's Royal Docks
Carlos Gonzalez (2023)
Effects of landscape composition on insect diversity across habitats
Rosalie Böhmer (2023)
Influence of landscape structure on biodiversity - how do local and landscape characteristics determine bird species diversity?
Mark Chukwunwike Anwuluorah (2023)
Fall armyworm in Nigeria: ecological and socio-economic dimensions
Bentje Boßert (2023)
Blütenbesucher und Bestäuber von Orchis militaris
Katrin Beißert (2023)
Körpergröße und Diversität von Laufkäfern in mineraldüngeroptimierten-pflanzenschutzfreien, konventionellen und ökologischen Anbausystemen
Katrin Uhlig (2023)
Can Africa revive oil palm production? Ecological, economic and social dimensions: a systematic review
Marit Kasten (2023)
Ecological and economic performance of conventional, organic and mineral-ecological cropping systems
Thomas Köhler (2022)
Abundance, α- and β-diversity of carabids and arthropods in a mineral-ecological cropping system
Lisa Weichlein (2022)
Der Einfluß von Hecken und der unterschiedlichen Landnutzung auf die Schmetterlingsgemeinschaften in der Rhön
Valentin Specht (2022)
Measuring the nutritional niches of free-ranging rainforest ants
Leonard Sax (2022)
Potentiale landwirtschaftlicher Diversifizierungssysteme für mehr ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit
Alica Giesler (2022)
Erhöhung der Biodiversität durch veränderte Fruchtfolgen ohne die Verwendung von chemisch-synthetischen Pflanzenschutzmitteln
Gero Garthen (2022)
Einfluss von Anbaudiversität und Feldgröße auf Vögel der Agrarlandschaft
Lea Steppan (2022)
Prädation und Prädatorvielfalt in Fruchtfolgen mit und ohne chemisch-synthetischen Pflanzenschutz
Charlotte De Wulf (2022)
Biodiversity in diversified crop rotations and differently complex landscapes
Frederic Benjamin Thederjahn (2022)
The biodiversity of agroforestry systems adjacent to protected areas in tropical and subtropical regions: a systematic review
Judith Lienenlüke (2022)
Flower strips for biological pest control in cabbage: a review
Friederike Gall (2022)
Welchen Einfluss haben ackerbaulich genutzte Flächen auf die Aktivität und Artenanzahl von Fledermäusen (Chiroptera)?
Oliver Peters (2022)
Yield stability of pollination-dependent and -independent crops at national level
Marie Scholz (2022)
Flower visitation by insects on three different legume species cultivated as pure stand or mixed cropping with cereals
Philipp Merx (2022)
Effects of agricultural landscape composition and configuration on pollination services
David Becker (2021)
Effekte der Heterogenität von Agrarlandschaften auf die Diversität fliegender Insekten, insbesondere Wildbienen
Lena Deutsch (2021)
Rebhuhnvorkommen in Abhängigkeit unterschiedlicher landwirtschaftlicher Nutzflächen in Rheinland-Pfalz
Aaron Willmott (2021)
Using functional trait characterization and niche complementarity for Agroforestry management in Indonesia
Bentje Bossert (2021)
Biodiversity indicators on pastures
Chloé Nourry (2021)
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in a landscape context
Helena Schwab (2021)
Biodiversity indicators on pastures
Sara Tassoni (2021)
Tree microhabitats as indicators of bird and bat communities on public urban squares
Huimin Yi (2021)
Ecosystem functions and biodiversity of soil communities under mono-cultural forests in Denmark
Jana Völlinger (2021)
Intraspecific diversity in the buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris
Franz Bertenbreiter Félix
Challenges of land use for indigenous communities in the Amazon: diversifying agroforestry systems with multi-purpose palms
Ernesto J. Lunar Koch
Anwendungen und Effizienz von Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen in den Tropen
Alexander Wendel (2021)
Predatory arthropod communities of diversified field margins
Arthur Knecht (2020)
Interactions and predator-complex efficiencies of two aphidophagous biological controls agents of Aphis fabae
Sabrina Chichizola Roberts (2020)
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) und deren möglicher Einsatz für die Reduzierung der Eisenmangelanämie in Peru
Jane Plöchl (2020)
Herders' traditional knowledge and rangeland management as climate adaption strategy in the Enduimet Wildlife Management Area, Northern Tanzania