Members of our group are listed in bold
in press
Darras KFA, Rountree R, Van Wilgenburg SL, Cord AF, […], Grass I, […], Hiller T, […], Li S, Sousa-Lima R, Wanger TC (in press) Worldwide Soundscapes: a synthesis of passive acoustic monitoring across realms. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Sedlmeier JE, Grass I, Bendalam P, Höglinger B, Walker F, Gerhard D, Piepho HP, Brühl CA, Petschenka G (in press) Neonicotinoid insecticides can pose a severe threat to grassland plant bug communities. Communications Earth & Environment
Lanuza JB, Knight TM, Montes-Perez N, Glenny W, […], Grass I, […], Bartomeus I (in press) EuPPollNet: A European database of plant-pollinator networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography doi:10.1111/geb.70000
Hiller T, Gall F, Grass I (2025) Enhanced crop diversity but not smaller field size benefit bats in agricultural landscapes. Landscape Ecology 40:17
Kasten MK, Witte F, Sponagel C, Bahrs E, Köhler T, Morinière J, Grass I (2024) Mineral-ecological cropping systems mitigate biodiversity-productivity trade-offs of the organic vs. conventional farming dichotomy. npj Sustainable Agriculture 2:29
Willmott A, Riar A, Saj S, Armengot L, Cicek H, Kiboi M, Singh A, Grass I, Cotter M (2024) The ecological and socioeconomic sustainability of organic agroforestry - a systematic review. Agroforestry Systems 98:2933-2949
Michler LM, Kaczensky P, Batsukh D, Treydte AC (2024) What will the future bring? – socio-economic challenges to herder households in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia. Human Ecology
Baumgartner SA, Smith SW, Bartzke GS, Laizar O, Ploechl JF, Michler LM, Naro EM, Treydte AC (2024) Love your wet grass! Dry season grazing reserves show highest grass regrowth in communal semi-arid rangelands of Tanzania. PLoS ONE 19: e0313818
Azhar A, Grass I, Rizali A, Pudjianto, Buchori D (2024) Rainforest transformation reduces parasitoid wasp diversity – can the enrichment of flowering vegetation alleviate this? Ecological Entomology 49:825-836
Anders M, Westphal C, Linden VMG, Weier S, Taylor PJ, Grass I (2024) Complementary effects of pollination and biocontrol services enable ecological intensification in macadamia orchards. Ecological Applications 34:e3049
Tassoni S, Becker D, Kasten MK, Morinière J, Grass I (2024) Insect conservation in agricultural landscapes needs both high crop heterogeneity and semi-natural habitats. Global Ecology and Conservation 55:e03218
Rajaonarimalala R, Korol Y, Andrianarimisa A, Dröge S, Fulgence TR, Grass I, Kreft H, Osen K, Rakotomalala AANA, Rakouth B, Ranarijaona HLT, Randriamanantena R, Ratsoavina FM, Ravaomanarivo LHR, Raveloaritiana E, Schwab D, Soazafy MR, Tscharntke T, Wurz A, Hölscher D, Martin DA (2024) Complex stands in forested tropical landscapes harbor more endemic biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Global Ecology and Conservation 54:e03154
Tscharntke T, Batáry P, Grass I (2024) Mixing on- and off-field measures for biodiversity conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39:726-733
Raveloaritiana E , Tscharntke T, Martin DA, Wurz A, Osen K, Soazafy MR, Vorontsova MS, Kreft H, Rakouth B, Grass I (2024) Land-use intensity and close relatedness to native plants promote exotic plant invasion in a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Applied Ecology 61:1396-1410
Librán-Embid F, Grass I, Emer C, Alarcón-Segura V, Behling H, Biagioni S, Ganuza C, Herrera-Krings C, Setyaningsih CA, Tscharntke T (2024) Flower-bee vs pollen-bee metanetworks in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291:20232604
Wenzel A, Westphal C, Ballauf J, Berkelmann D, Brambach F, Buchori D, Camarretta N, Corre MD, Daniel R, Darras K, Erasmi S, Formaglio G. Hölscher D, Iddris NA, Irawan B, Knohl A, Kotowska MM, Krashevska VK, Kreft H, Mulyani Y, Mußhoff O, Paterno G, Polle A, Potapov A, Röll A, Scheu S, Schlund M, Schneider D, Sibhatu KT, Stiegler C, Sundawati L, Tjoa A, Tscharntke T, Veldkamp E, Waite PA, Wollni M, Zemp DC, Grass I (2024) Balancing economic and ecological functions in smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:e2307220121
Berger T, Gimpel H, Stein A, Troost C, Asseng S, Bichler M, Bieling C, Birner R, Grass I, Kollmann J, Leonhardt S, Schurr F, Weisser W (2024) Hybrid intelligence for reconciling biodiversity and productivity in agriculture. Nature Food 5:270-272
Rasmussen LV*, Grass I* (*equal contribution), Mehrabi Z, Smith OM, Bezner-Kerr R, Blesh J, Garibaldi LA, Isaac ME, Kennedy CM, Wittman H, Batáry P, Buchori D, Cerda R, Chará J, Crowder DW, Darras K, DeMaster K, Garcia K, Gómez M, Gonthier D, Hidayat P, Hipólito J, Hirons M, Hoey L, James D, John I, Jones AD, Karp DS, Kebede Y, Bezner Kerr C, Klassen S, Kotowska M, Kreft H, Llanque R, Levers C, Lizcano DJ, Lu A, Madsen S, Nunes Marques R, Buss Martins P, Melo A, Nyantakyi-Frimpong H, Olimpi EM, Owen JP, Pantevez H, Qaim M, Redlich S, Scherber C, Sciligo AR, Snapp S, Snyder WE, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stratton AE, Taylor JM, Tscharntke T, Valencia V, Vogel C, Kremen C (2024) Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture. Science 384:87-93
von Groß V, Sibhatu KT, Knohl A, Qaim M, Veldkamp E, Hölscher D, Zemp DC, Corre MD, Grass I, Fiedler S, Stiegler C, Irawan B, Sundawati L, Husmann K, Paul C (2024) Transformation scenarios towards multifunctional landscapes: A simulation approach based on multi-criteria optimization. Journal of Environmental Management 356:120710
Turner BL, Lambers H, Wen Z, Auer YM, Kandeler E (2024) Microbial nutrient limitation along a 2-million-year dune chronosequence. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 192:109385
Potapov AM, Drescher J, Darras K, Wenzel A, Janotta N, Nazarreta R, Kasmiatun, Laurent V, Mawan A, Utari EH, Pollierer MM, Rembold K, Widyastuti R, Buchori D, Hidayat P, Turner E, Grass I, Westphal C, Tscharntke T, Scheu S (2024) Rainforest transformation reallocates energy from green to brown food webs. Nature 627:116-122
Klaus F, Tscharntke T, Grass I (2024) Trophic level and specialization moderate effects of habitat loss and landscape diversity on cavity-nesting bees, wasps and their parasitoids. Insect Conservation & Diversity 17:65-76
Marcacci G, Westphal C, Rao V, Kumar SS, Tharini KB, Belavadi V, Nölke N, Tscharntke T, Grass I (2023) Urbanization alters the spatiotemporal dynamics of plant-pollinator networks in a tropical megacity. Ecology Letters 26:1951-1962
Garibaldi L, Zermoglio P, Jobbagy E, Adreoni L, Urbina A, Grass I, Oddi F (2023) How to design multifunctional landscapes? Journal of Applied Ecology 60:2521-2527
Li W, Zhu C, Grass I, Han P, Shen Y, Ding P, Si X (2023) Widespread arboreal foraging behavior in ground-dwelling birds and the urgency of life history studies. Biological Conservation 286:110320
Van Caenegem W, Blondelle A, Dumolein I, Santamaria B, Dick CW, Hiller T, Liu J, Quandt CA, Saucedo RVV, Verbeken A, Haelewaters D (2023) Five new species of Gloeandromyces (Fungi, Laboulbeniales) from tropical American bat flies (Diptera, Streblidae), revealed by morphology and phylogenetic reconstruction, Mycologia 115:714-737
Pulungan ZM, Priawandiputra W, Grass I, Li K, Raffiudin R (2023) Tropical lowland rainforest conversion to monoculture affects flight activity and resource intake of stingless bees. Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 20:88-100
Marcacci G, Devy S, Wenzel A, Rao VS, Kumar SS, Nölke N, Belavadi VV, Tscharntke T, Grass I, Westphal C (2023) Direct and indirect effects of urbanization, pesticides, and wild insect pollinators on mango yield. Journal of Applied Ecology 60:2132-2143
Michler LM, Kaczensky P, Oyunsaikhan G, Bartzke GS, Devineau O, Treydte AC (2023) To move or not to move - factors influencing small-scale herder and livestock movements in the Dzungarian Gobi, Mongolia. Regional Environmental Change 23:131
Raveloaritiana E, Wurz A, Osen K, Soazafy MR, Grass I, Martin DA, Benamy C, Ranarijaona HLT, Borgerson C, Kreft H, Hölscher D, Rakouth B, Tscharntke T (2023) Complementary ecosystem services from multiple land uses highlight the importance of tropical mosaic landscapes. Ambio 52:1558-1574
Willmott A, Willmott M, Grass I, Lusiana B, Cotter M (2023) Harnessing the socio-ecological benefits of agroforestry diversification in social forestry with functional and phylogenetic tools. Environmental Development 47:100881
Li K, Grass I, Zemp DC, Lorenz H, Sachsenmaier L, Furdiansyah F, Hölscher D, Kreft H, Tscharntke T (2023) Tree identity and canopy openness mediate oil palm biodiversity enrichment effects on insect herbivory. Ecological Applications 33:e2862
Daum T, Baudron F, Qaim M, Birner R, Grass I (2023) Addressing agricultural labour issues is key to biodiversity-smart farming. Biological Conservation 284:110165
Mpondo FT, Ndakidemi PA, Mukama SC, Treydte AC (2023) Insect visitation and pollination networks across traditional rangeland management categories in a Northern Tanzanian rangeland. Global Ecology and Conservation 46:e02581
Montoya-Sánchez V, Kreft H, Arimond I, Ballauff J, Berkelmann D, Brambach F, Daniel R, Grass I, Hines J, Hölscher D, Irawan B, Krause A, Polle A, Potapov A, Sachsenmaier L, Scheu S, Sundawati L, Tscharntke T, Zemp DC, Guerrero-Ramírez NR (2023) Landscape heterogeneity and soil biota are central to multi-taxa diversity for oil palm landscape restoration. Communications Earth & Environment 4:209
Zemp DC, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Brambach F, Darras K, Grass I, Potapov A, Röll A, Arimond I, Ballauff J, Behling H, Berkelmann D, Biagioni S, Buchori D, Craven D, Daniel R, Gailing O, Ellsäßer F, Fardiansah R, Hennings N, Irawan B, Khokthong W, Krashevska V, Krause A, Kückes J, Li K, Lorenz H, Maraun M, Merk MS, Moura CCM, Mulyani Y, Paterno GB, Pebrianti HD, Polle A, Prameswari DA, Sachsenmaier L, Scheu S, Schneider D, Setiajiati F, Setyaningsih CA, Sundawati L, Tscharntke T, Wollni M, Hölscher D, Kreft H (2023) Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapes. Nature 618:316-321
Harich-Wloka FK, Treydte AC, Ogutu JO, Savini C, Sribuarod K, Savini T (2023) Between conflict and coexistence: Wildlife in rubber-dominated landscapes. Integrative Conservation 2:240-254
Wenzel A, Grass I, Raj V, Nölke N, Subramanya S, Tscharntke T (2023) High losses of farmland birds and potential biocontrol along an urbanization gradient in a tropical megacity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 354:108571
Bouarakia O, Linden VMG, Joubert E, Weier SM, Grass I, Tscharntke T, Foord SH, Taylor PJ (2023) Bats and birds control tortricid pest moths in South African macadamia orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 352:108527
Bouarakia O, Anders M, Linden VMG, Grass I, Westphal C, Taylor PJ, Foord SH (2023) Reduced macadamia nut quality is linked to wetter growing season but mitigated at higher elevations. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12:100569
Blesh J, Mehrabi Z, Wittman H, Kerr RB, James D, Madsen S, Smith OM, Snapp S, Stratton AE, Bakarr M, Bicksler AJ, Galt R, Garibaldi LA, Gemmill-Herren B, Grass I, Isaac ME, John I, Jones SK, Kennedy CM, Klassen S, Levers C, Rasmussen LV, Kremen C (2023) Against the odds: network and institutional pathways enabling agricultural diversification. One Earth
Mero SA, Ngondya IB, Treydte AC (2023) Environmental factors and non-chemical methods to suppress growth of the invasive plant Gutenbergia cordifolia. Acta Oecologica 119:103913
Iddris NA, Formaglio G, Paul C, von Groß V, Chen G, Angulo-Rubiano A, Berkelmann D, Brambach F, Darras K, Krashevska V, Potapov A, Wenzel A, Irawan B, Damris M, Daniel R, Grass I, Kreft H, Scheu S, Tscharntke T, Tjoa A, Veldkamp E, Corre MD (2023) Mechanical weeding enhances ecosystem multifunctionality and profit in industrial oil palm. Nature Sustainability
Anders M, Grass I, Linden V, Taylor P, Westphal C (2023) Smart orchard design improves crop pollination. Journal of Applied Ecology 60:624-637
Marcacci G, Grass I, Rao VS, Kumar SS, Tharini KB, Belavadi VV, Nölke N, Tscharntke T, Westphal C (2022) Functional diversity of farmland bees across rural-urban landscapes in a tropical megacity. Ecological Applications 32:e2699
Li W, Zhu C, Grass I, Vázquez DP, Wang D, Zhao Y, Zeng D, Kang Y, Ding P, Si X (2022) Plant-frugivore network simplification under habitat fragmentation leaves a small core of interacting generalists. Communications Biology 5:1214
Belz RG, Duke SO (2022) Stepping beyond hormesis modeling and sub-NOAEL predictions in plant biology. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 28:100366
Levi M, Lee DE, Bond ML, Treydte AC (2022) Forage selection by Masai giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) at multiple spatial scales, Journal of Mammalogy 103:737-744
Felix N, Kissui BM, Munishi L, Treydte AC (2022) Retaliatory killing negatively affects African lion (Panthera leo) male coalitions in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem, Tanzania. PLOS ONE 17:e0272272
Tscharntke T, Grass I, Wanger TC, Westphal C, Batáry P (2022) Spatiotemporal land-use diversification for biodiversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37:734-735
Li K, Grass I, Fung TY, Fardiansah R, Rohlfs M, Buchori D, Tscharntke T (2022) Adjacent forest moderates insect pollination of oil palm. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 338:108108
Leweri CM, Bartzke GS, Msuha MJ, Treydte AC (2022) Spatial and seasonal group size variation of wild mammalian herbivores in multiple use landscapes of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. PLOS ONE 17:e0267082
Wurz A, Tscharntke T, Martin DA, Osen K, Rakotomalala AANA, Raveloaritiana E, Andrianisaina F, Dröge S, Fulgence TR, Soazafy MR, Andriafanomezantsoa R, Andrianarimisa A, Babarezoto FS, Barkmann J, Hänke H, Hölscher D, Kreft H, Rakouth B, Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Ranarijaona HLT, Randriamanantena R, Ratsoavina FM, Raveloson LH, Grass I (2022) Win-win opportunities combining high yields with high multi-taxa biodiversity in tropical agroforestry. Nature Communications 13:4127
Mehrabi Z, Derzeit R, Ignaciuk A, Levers C, Braich G, Bajaj K, Amo-Aidoo A, Anderson W, Balgah RA, Benton TG, Chari MM, Ellis EE, Gahi NZ, Gaupp F, Garibaldi LA, Gerber JS, Godde CM, Grass I, Heimann T, Hirons M, Hoogenboom G, Jain M, James D, Makowski D, Mashamha B, Meng S, Monprapussorn S, Müller D, Nelson A, Newlands NK, Noack F, Oronje ML, Raymond C, Reichstein M, Rieseberg LH, Rodriguez-Llanes JM, Rosenstock T, Powhani P, Sarhadi A, Seppelt R, Sidhu BS, Snapp S, Soma T, Sparks AH, Teh L, Tigchelaar M, Vogel MM, West PC, Wittman H, You L (2022) Research priorities for global food security under extreme events. One Earth 5:756-766
Lihepanyama DL, Ndakidemi PA, Treydte AC (2022) Spatio-temporal water quality determines algal bloom occurrence and possibly Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) presence in Momella Lakes, Tanzania. Water 14:3532
Michler LM, Kaczensky P, Ploechl JF, Batsukh D, Baumgartner SA, Battogtokh B, Treydte AC (2022) Moving toward the greener side: environmental aspects guiding pastoral mobility and impacting vegetation in the Dzungarian Gobi, Mongolia. Rangeland Ecology & Management 83:149-160
Alarcón-Segura V, Grass I, Breustedt G, Rohlfs M, Tscharntke T (2022) Strip-intercropping of wheat and oilseed rape enhances biodiversity and biological pest control in a conventionally managed farm scenario. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:1513-1523
Wenzel A, Grass I, Nölke N, Pannure A, Tscharntke T (2022) Wild bees benefit from low urbanization levels and suffer from pesticides in a tropical megacity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 336:108019
Greenwood SN, Belz RG, Weiser BP (2022), Detection of multi-protein complexes containing PCNA using fluorescence anisotropy and hormetic modeling. The FASEB Journal 36:
Moura CCM, Setyaningsih CA, Li K, Merk M, Schröck S, Raffiudin R, Grass I, Behling H, Tscharntke T, Westphal C, Gailing O (2022) Biomonitoring via DNA metabarcoding and light microscopy of bee pollen in rainforest transformation landscapes of Sumatra. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22:51
Wurz A, Grass I, Lees DC, Rakotomalala AANA, Sáfián S, Martin DA, Osen K, Loos J, Benasoavina E, Alexis T, Tscharntke T (2022) Land-use change differentially affects endemic, forest and open-land butterflies in Madagascar. Insect Conservation and Diversity 15:606-620
Belz RG, Carbonari CA, Duke SO (2022) The potential influence of hormesis on evolution of resistance to herbicides. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 27:100360
Haelewaters D, Hiller T, Ceryngier P, Eschen R, Gorczak M, Houston M, Kisło K, Knapp M, Landeka N, Pfliegler WP, Zach P, Aime MC, Nedvěd O (2022) Do Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influence the Prevalence of a Common Parasite of the Invasive Alien Ladybird Harmonia axyridis? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.773423
Cvecko P, Brändel SD, Hiller T, Rose A, Bechler JP, Page RA and Tschapka M (2022) New architecture of leaf-tents in American oil palms (Elaeis oleifera) used by Pacific tent-making bat (Uroderma convexum) in Panama. Mammalia DOI:10.1515/mammalia-2021-0058
Tscharntke T, Grass I, Wanger TC, Westphal C, Batáry P (2022) Prioritise the most effective measures for biodiversity-friendly agriculture. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37:397-398
Martin DA, Andrianisaina F, Fulgence TR, Osen K, Rakotomalala AA, Raveloaritiana E, Soazafy MR, Wurz A, Andriafanomezantsoa R, Andriamaniraka H, Andrianarimisa A, Barkmann J, Dröge S, Grass I, Guerrero-Ramirez N, Hänke H, Hölscher D, Rakouth B, Ranarijaona HLT, Randriamanantena R, Ratsoavina FM, Ravaomanarivo LHR, Schwab D, Tscharntke T, Zemp DC, Kreft H (2022) Land-use trajectories for sustainable land system transformations: identifying leverage points in a global biodiversity hotspot. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:e2107747119
Tscharntke T, Grass I, Wanger TC, Westphal C, Batáry P (2022) Restoring biodiversity needs more than reducing pesticides. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37:115-116
Belz RG & Duke SO (2022) Modelling biphasic hormetic dose responses to predict sub-NOAEL effects using plant biology as an example. Current Opinion in Toxicology 29:36-42
Musika NV, Wakibara JV, Ndakidemi PA, Treydte AC (2022) Using trophy hunting to save wildlife foraging resources: a case study from Moyowosi-Kigosi Game Reserves, Tanzania. Sustainability 14, 1288
Galiana N, Lurgi M, Bastazini VAG, Bosch J, Cagnolo L, Cazelles K, Claramunt-López B, Emer C, Fortin MJ, Grass I, Hernández-Castellano C, Jauker F, Leroux SJ, McCann K, McLeod AM, Montoya D, Mulder C, Osorio-Canadas S, Reverté S, Rodrigo A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Traveset A, Valverde S, Vázquez DP, Wood SA, Gravel D, Roslin T, Thuiller W, Montoya JM (2022) Ecological network complexity scales with area. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6:307-314
Ntukey LT, Munishi LK, Kohi E, Treydte AC (2022) Land use/cover change reduces elephant habitat suitability in the Wami Mbeki-Saadani Wildlife Corridor, Tanzania. Land 11, 307
Ntukey LT, Munishi LK, Treydte AC (2022) Land use land/cover change reduces woody plant diversity and carbon stocks in a lowland coastal forest ecosystem, Tanzania. Sustainability 14:8551
Greenwood SN, Belz RG, Weiser BP (2022) A conserved mechanism for hormesis in molecular systems. Dose-Response 20(3)
Shayo PF, Mbega ER, Treydte AC (2022) Growth performance of the neglected crop Telfairia pedata across elevation and climate gradients in Northern Tanzania. Trees, Forests and People 7, 100216
Rakotomalala AANA, Wurz A, Grass I, Martin DA, Osen K, Schwab D, Soazafy MR, Tscharntke T, Ravaomanarivo LHR (2021) Tropical land use drives endemic versus exotic ant communities in a global biodiversity hotspot. Biodiversity and Conservation 30:4417-4434
Mohammed EMI, Hammed AME, Minnick TJ, Ndakidemi PA, Treydte AC (2021) Livestock browsing threatens the survival of Balanites aegyptiaca seedlings and saplings in Dinder Biosphere Reserve, Sudan. Journal of Sustainable Forestry
Grass I, Albrecht J, Farwig N, Jauker F (2021) Plant traits and landscape simplification drive intraspecific trait diversity of Bombus terrestris in wildflower plantings. Basic and Applied Ecology 57:91-101
Librán-Embid F, Grass I, Emer C, Ganuza C, Tscharntke T (2021) A plant-pollinator metanetwork along a habitat fragmentation gradient. Ecology Letters 24:2700-2712
Mbundi MM, Ngondya IB, Ghaui M, Treydte AC (2021) Comparison of the effects of a broad-spectrum herbicide and a bio-herbicide on insect flower visitation in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania. Journal for Nature Conservation 64:126084
Tscharntke T, Grass I, Wanger TC, Westphal C, Batáry P (2021) Beyond organic farming – harnessing biodiversity-friendly landscapes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36:919-930
Marcacci G, Westphal C, Wenzel A, Raj V, Nölke N, Tscharntke T, Grass I (2021) Taxonomic and functional homogenization of farmland birds along an urbanization gradient in a tropical megacity. Global Change Biology 27:4980-4994
Wurz A, Grass I, Tscharntke T (2021) Hand pollination of global crops – a systematic review. Basic and Applied Ecology 56:299-321
Mpondo FT, Ndakidemi PA, Treydte AC (2021) Balancing bees and livestock: pastoralist knowledge, perceptions and implications for pollinator conservation in rangelands, northern Tanzania. Tropical Conservation Science 14
Mpondo FT, Ndakidemi PA, Pauly A, Treydte AC (2021) Traditional rangeland management can conserve insect pollinators in a semi-arid rangeland, northern Tanzania. Acta Oecologica 113:103790
Kimaro HS, Treydte AC (2021) Rainfall, fire and large-mammal-induced drivers of Vachellia drepanolobium establishment: Implications for woody plant encroachment in Maswa, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology 59:934-943
Weier SM, Linden VGM, Hammer A, Grass I, Tscharntke T, Taylor PJ (2021) Bat guilds respond differently to habitat loss and fragmentation at different scales in macadamia orchards in South Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 320:107588
Leweri CM, Msuha MJ, Treydte AC (2021) Rainfall variability and socio‑economic constraints on livestock production in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. SN Applied Sciences 3:123
Hiller T, Vollstädt MGR, Brändel SD, Page RA, Tschapka M (2021) Bat–bat fly interactions in Central Panama: host traits relate to modularity in a highly specialised network. Insect Conservation and Diversity 14:686-699
Rötter R, Scheiter S, Hoffmann M, Pfeiffer M, Nelson W, Ayisi K, Taylor P, Feil JH, Bakhsh, SY, Isselstein J, Linstaedter A, Behn K, Westphal C, Grass I, Odhiambo JJO, Twine W, Paolo M, Bracho-Mujica G, Bringhenti T, Lamega S, Abdulai I, Lam Q, Anders M, Linden V, Weier S, Foord S, Erasmus B (2021) Modelling the multi-functionality of African savanna landscapes under global change. Land Degradation & Development 32:2077-2081
Földesi R, Howlett BG, Grass I, Batáry P (2021) Larger pollinators deposit more pollen on stigmas across multiple plant species - a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:699-707
Belz R, Sinkkonen A (2021) Low glyphosate doses change reproduction and produce tolerant offspring in dense populations of Hordeum vulgare. Pest Management Science 77:4770-4784
Raveloaritiana EJM, Wurz A, Grass I, Osen K, Soazafy MR, Martin DA, Faliniaina L, Rakotomalala NH, Vorontsova MS, Tscharntke T, Rakouth B (2021) Land-use intensification increases richness of native and exotic herbaceous plants, but not endemics, in Malagasy vanilla landscapes. Diversity and Distributions 27:784-798
Klaus F, Tscharntke T, Bischoff G, Grass I (2021) Floral resource diversification promotes solitary bee reproduction and may offset insecticide effects - evidence from a semi-field experiment. Ecology Letters 24:668-675
Klaus F, Tscharntke T, Uhler J, Grass I (2021) Calcareous grassland fragments as sources of bee pollinators for the surrounding agricultural landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation 26:e01474
Mohammed EMI, Hammed AME, Minnick TJ, Ndakidemi PA, Treydte AC (2021) Livestock browsing threatens the survival of Balanites aegyptiaca seedlings and saplings in Dinder Biosphere Reserve, Sudan. Journal of Sustainable Forestry doi:10.1080/10549811.2021.1935279
Udy K, Fritsch M, Meyer KM, Grass I, Hanß S, Hartig F, Kneib T, Kreft H, Kukunda CB, Pe´er G, Reininghaus H, Tietjen B, Tscharntke T, van Waveren CS, Wiegand K (2021) Environmental heterogeneity predicts global species richness better than area. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30:842-851
Grass I, Batáry P, Tscharntke T (2021) Combining land-sparing and land-sharing in European landscapes. Advances in Ecological Research 64:251-303
Mohammed EMI, Elhag AMH, Ndakidemi PA, Treydte AC (2021) Anthropogenic pressure on tree species diversity, composition, and growth of Balanites aegyptiaca in Dinder Biosphere Reserve, Sudan. Plants 10:483
Schwab D, Wurz A, Grass I, Rakotomalala A, Osen K, Soazafy MR, Martin DA, Tscharntke T (2021) Decreasing predation rates and shifting predator compositions along a land-use gradient in Madagascar's vanilla landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:360-371
Mohammed EMI, Hamed AME, Ndakidemi PA, Treydte AC (2021) Illegal harvesting threatens fruit production and seedling recruitment of Balanites aegyptiaca in Dinder Biosphere Reserve, Sudan. Global Ecology and Conservation 29:e01732
de Groot MD, Dumolein I, Hiller T, Sándor AD, Szentiványi T, Schilthuizen M, Aime MC, Verbeken A, Haelewaters D (2020) On the Fly: Tritrophic Associations of Bats, Bat Flies, and Fungi. Journal of Fungi DOI: 10.3390/jof6040361
Martin DA, Wurz A, Osen K, Grass I, Hölscher D, Rabemanantsoa T, Tscharntke T, Kreft H (2020) Shade-tree rehabilitation in vanilla agroforests is yield neutral and may translate into landscape-scale canopy cover gains. Ecosystems
Martin DA, Osen K, Grass I, Hölscher D, Tscharntke T, Wurz A, Kreft H (2020) Land-use history determines ecosystem services and conservation value in tropical agroforestry. Conservation Letters e12740
Bátary P, Báldi A, Ekroos J, Gallé J, Grass I, Tscharntke T (2020) Biologia Futura: landscape perspectives on farmland biodiversity conservation. Biologia Futura
Librán-Embid F, Klaus F, Tscharntke T, Grass I (2020) Unmanned aerial vehicles for biodiversity-friendly agricultural landscapes – a systematic review. Science of the Total Environment 732:139204
Qaim M, Sibhatu KT, Siregar H, Grass I (2020) Environmental, economic and social consequences of the oil palm boom. Annual Review of Resource Economics 12:321-344
Astudillo PX, Grass I, Siddons DC, Schabo D, Farwig N (2020) Centrality in species-habitat networks reveals the importance of habitat quality for high-Andean birds in Polylepis woodlands. Ardeola 67:307-324
Dror S, Harich F, Duangphakdee O, Savini T, Pogány A, Roberts J, Geheran J, Treydte AC (2020) Are Asian elephants afraid of honeybees? Experimental studies in northern Thailand. Mammalian Biology 100:355-363
Maijo SP, Piel AK, Treydte AC (2020) Anthropogenic disturbance and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) habitat use in the Masito-Ugalla Ecosystem, Tanzania, Journal of Mammalogy 101:1660-1669
Escobar-Ramírez S, Tscharntke T, Armbrecht I, Torres W, Grass I (2020) Decrease in β-diversity, but not in α-diversity, of ants in intensively managed coffee plantations. Insect Conservation and Diversity 13:445-455
Grass I, Kubitza C, Krishna VV, Corre MD, Mußhoff O, Pütz P, Drescher J, Rembold K, Ariyanti ES, Barnes, AD, Brinkmann N, Brose U, Brümmer B, Buchori D, Daniel R, Darras KFA, Faust H, Fehrmann L, Hein J, Hennings N, Hidayat P, Hölscher D, Jochum M, Knohl A, Kotowska MM, Krashevska V, Kreft H, Leuschner C, Lobite NJS, Panjaitan R, Polle A, Potapov AM, Purnama E, Qaim M, Röll A, Scheu S, Schneider D, Tjoa A, Tscharntke T, Veldkamp E, Wollni M (2020) Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes. Nature Communications 11:1186
Wenzel A, Grass I, Belavadi VV, Tscharntke T (2020) How urbanization is driving pollinator diversity and pollination - a systematic review. Biological Conservation 241:108321
Darras K, Corre MD, Formaglio G, Tjoa A, Potapov A, Brambach F, Sibhatu KT, Grass I, Tscharntke T, Rubiano AA, Buchori D, Drescher D, Fardiansah R, Hölscher D, Irawan B, Kneib T, Krashevska V, Krause A, Kreft H, Li K, Maraun M, Polle A, Ryadin AR, Rembold K, Scheu S, Tarigan S, Valdés-Uribe A, Yadi S, Veldkamp E (2019) Reducing fertilizer and avoiding herbicides in oil palm plantations - ecological and economic valuations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2:65
Manning P, Loos J, Barnes AD, Batáry P, Bianchi FJJA, Buchmann N, De Deyn GB, Ebeling A, Eisenhauer N, Fischer M, Fründ J, Grass I, Isselstein J, Jochum M, Klein AM, Klingenberg EOF, Landis DA, Leps J, Lindborg R, Meyer ST, Temperton V, Westphal C, Tscharntke T (2019) Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research 61:323-356
Belz RG (2019) Low herbicide doses can change the responses of weeds to subsequent treatments in the next generation: metamitron exposed PSII-target-site resistant Chenopodium album as a case study. Pest Management Science 76:3056-3065
Escobar-Ramírez S, Grass I, Armbrecht I, Tscharntke T (2019) Biological control of the coffee berry borer: main natural enemies, control success, and landscape influence. Biological Control 136:103992
Darras K, Batáry P, Furnas BJ, Grass I, Mulyani YA, Tscharntke T (2019) Autonomous sound recording outperforms human observation for sampling birds: a systematic map and user guide. Ecological Applications 29:e01954
Weier SM, Linden VMG, Grass I, Tscharntke T, Taylor PJ (2019) The use of bat houses as day roosts in macadamia orchards, South Africa. PeerJ 7:e6954
Belz RG, Sinkkonen A (2019) Low toxin doses change plant size distribution in dense populations – Glyphosate exposed Hordeum vulgare as a greenhouse case study. Environment International 132:105072
Agathokleous E, Belz RG, Kitao M, Koike T, Calabrese EJ (2019) Does the root to shoot ratio show a hormetic response to stress? Journal of Forestry Research 30:1569-1580
Linden VMG, Grass I, Joubert E, Tscharntke T, Weier SM, Taylor PJ (2019) Ecosystem services and disservices by birds, bats and monkeys change with macadamia landscape heterogeneity. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:2069–2078
Krishna VV, Darras K, Grass I, Mulyani YA, Prawiradilaga DM, Tscharntke T, Qaim M (2019) Wildlife trade and consumer preferences for species rarity: an examination of caged-bird markets in Sumatra. Environment and Development Economics 24:339-360
Li K, Tscharntke T, Saintes B, Buchori D, Grass I (2019) Critical factors limiting pollination success in oil palm: a systematic review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 280:152–160
Kühnert K, Grass I, Waltert M (2019) Sacred groves hold distinct bird assemblages within an Afrotropical savannah. Global Ecology and Conservation 18:e00656
Grass I, Loos J, Baensch S, Bátary P, Librán-Embid F, Ficiciyan A, Klaus F, Riechers M, Rosa J, Tiede J, Udy K, Westphal C, Wurz A, Tscharntke T (2019) Land-sharing/-sparing connectivity landscapes for ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. People and Nature 1:262–272
Patama M, Belz RG, Sinkkonen A (2019): Realistic low-doses of two emerging contaminants change size distribution of an annual flowering plant population. Ecotoxicology 28:732-743
Kehoe L, Reis T, Virah-Sawmy M, Balmford A, Kuemmerle T, and 604 signatories incl. Grass I (2019) Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable. Science 364:341
Weier SM, Moodley Y, Fraser MF, Linden VMG, Grass I, Tscharntke T, Taylor PJ (2019) Insect pest consumption by bats in macadamia orchards established by molecular diet analyses. Global Ecology and Conservation 18:e00626
Maas B, Heath S, Grass I, Cassano C, Classen A, Faria D, Gras P, Williams-Guillén K, Johnson M, Karp DS, Linden V, Martínez-Salinas A, Schmack JM, Kross S (2019) Experimental field exclosure of birds and bats in agricultural systems – methodological insights, potential improvements, and cost-benefit trade-offs. Basic and Applied Ecology 35:1–12
Agathokleous E, Araminiene A, Belz RG, Calatayud V, De Marco A, Domingos M, Feng ZZ, Hoshika Y, Kitao M, Koike T, Paoletti E, Saitanis CJ, Sicard P, Calabrese EJ (2019). A quantitative assessment of hormetic responses of plants to ozone. Environmental Research 176:108527
Dugger PJ, Blendinger PG, Böhning-Gaese K, Chama L, Correira M, Dehling DM, Emer C, Farwig N, Fricke EC, Galetti M, García D, Grass I, Heleno R, Jacomassa FAF, Moraes S, Moran C, Muñoz MC, Neuschulz EL, Nowak L, Piratelli A, Piza MA, Quitián M, Rogers HS, Ruggera RA, Saavedra F, Sánchez MS, Sánchez R, Santillán V, Schabo DG, da Silva FR, Timóteo S, Traveset A, Vollstädt MGR, Schleuning M (2019) Seed-dispersal networks are more specialized in the Neotropics than in the Afrotropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28:248–261
Castle D, Grass I, Westphal C (2019) Fruit quantity and quality of strawberries benefit from enhanced pollinator abundance at hedgerows in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 275:14–22
Jauker F, Jauker B, Grass I, Steffan-Dewenter I, Wolters V (2018) Partitioning wild bee and hoverfly contributions to plant-pollinator network structure in fragmented habitats. Ecology 100:e02569
Paoletti A, Darras K, Jayanto H, Grass I, Kusrini MD, Tscharntke T (2018) Amphibian and reptile communities of upland and riparian sites across Indonesian oil palm, rubber and forest. Global Ecology and Conservation 16:e00492
Grass I, Jauker B, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tscharntke T, Jauker F (2018) Past and potential future effects of habitat fragmentation on structure and stability of plant–pollinator and host–parasitoid networks. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2:1408–1417
Weier SM, Grass I, Linden VMG, Tscharntke T, Taylor PJ (2018) Natural vegetation and bug abundance promote insectivorous bat activity in macadamia orchards, South Africa. Biological Conservation 226:16–23
Taylor PJ, Grass I, Alberts AJ, Joubert E, Tscharntke T (2018) Economic value of bat predation services – a review and new estimates from macadamia orchards. Ecosystem Services 30:372–381
Grass I, Meyer S, Taylor PJ, Foord SH, Hajek P, Tscharntke T (2018) Pollination limitation despite managed honeybees in South African macadamia orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 260:11–18
Grass I, Bohle V, Tscharntke T, Westphal C (2018) How plant reproductive success is determined by the interplay of antagonists and mutualists. Ecosphere 9:e02106
Richter-Beuschel L, Grass I, Bögeholz S (2018) How to measure procedural knowledge for solving biodiversity and climate change challenges. Education Sciences 8:190
Kelly J, Rahman, A, Grass I, Tasirin JS, Waltert M (2017) Avifaunal status updates, range extensions and potential new taxa on the lesser Sangihe and Talaud islands, Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 65:482–496
Denmead LH, Darras K, Clough Y, Diaz P, Grass I, Hoffmann MP, Nurdiansyah F, Fardiansah R, Tscharntke T (2017) The role of ants, birds and bats for ecosystem functions and yield in oil palm plantations. Ecology 98:1945–1956
Wende B, Gossner MM, Grass I, Arnstadt T, Hofrichter M, Floren A, Linsenmair KE, Weisser WW, Steffan-Dewenter, I (2017) Trophic level, successional age and trait matching determine specialization of deadwood-based interaction networks of saproxylic beetles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284:20170198
Grass I, Lehmann K, Thies C, Tscharntke T (2017) Insectivorous birds disrupt biological control of cereal aphids. Ecology 98:1583–1590
Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, […], Grass I, […], Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity in Changing Terrestrial Systems) Project. Ecology and Evolution 7:145–188
Schlinkert H, Westphal C, Clough Y, Grass I, Helmerichs J, Tscharntke T (2016) Plant size affects mutualistic and antagonistic interactions and reproductive success across 21 Brassicaceae species. Ecosphere 7:e01529
De Palma A, Abrahamczyk S, Aizen MA, […], Grass I, […], Westphal C, Yoon HJ, Purvis A (2016) Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: effects of geographic and taxonomic biases. Scientific Reports 6:31153
Grass I, Albrecht J, Jauker F, Diekötter T, Warzecha D, Wolters V, Farwig N (2016) Much more than bees – wildflower plantings support highly diverse flower-visitor communities from complex to structurally simple agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 225:45–53
Grass I, Brandl R, Botzat A, Neuschulz EL, Farwig N (2015) Contrasting taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity responses to forest modifications: comparisons of taxa and successive plant life stages in South African scarp forest. PLoS ONE 10:e0118722
Grass I, Berens DG, Farwig N (2014) Natural habitat loss and exotic plants reduce the functional diversity of flower visitors in a heterogeneous subtropical landscape. Functional Ecology 28:1117–1126
Grass I, Berens DG, Farwig N (2014) Guild-specific shifts in visitation rates of frugivores with habitat loss and plant invasion. Oikos 123:575-582
Grass I, Berens DG, Peter F, Farwig N (2013) Additive effects of exotic plant abundance and land-use intensity on plant–pollinator interactions. Oecologia 173:913–923
Neuschulz EL, Grass I, Botzat A, Johnson SD, Farwig N (2013) Persistence of flower visitors and pollination services of a generalist tree in modified forests. Austral Ecology 38:374–382