
Group leader

Prof. Dr. Ingo Grass
Tel + 49 (0)711 / 459-22385 -


Postdoctoral researchers

Dr. Thomas Hiller
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in a landscape context
Tel + 49 (0)711 / 459-23628 -

Dr. Zheng Zhou
Spatial scaling of biodiversity and ecosystem functions in rainforest transformation landscapes
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23505 -


PhD students 

Mina Anders
Effects of climate and land-use change on pollinator diversity and pollination services in South African macadamia orchards
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23505 -

Sabine Baumgartner
Resilience of semi-arid rangelands towards high grazing and rainfall variability
Tel + 49 (0)711 / 459-23605 -

David Becker
Fitness effects of invasive plants on pollinators
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23505 - 

Klara Dietrich
Agroecological management of olive orchards
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23505 -  

Alexandra Howard
Bat communities and pest control in apple orchards
Visiting PhD student - 

Marit Kasten
Participatory landscape design for biodiversity and multifunctionality
Tel + 49 (0)711 / 459-23605 -

Lena Michler
Biological and cultural diversity in the Dzungarian Gobi desert in Mongolia
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23605 -

Sara Tassoni
Multitrophic interactions in a landscape context
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23605 - 

Aaron Willmott
Integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical plantations
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23605 - 


Technical assistant

Yasha Auer
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23604 -



Eva Schmidt
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23505 - 


Associated researchers

PD Dr. Regina Belz
HerbBi – Herbicide-mediated biphasic responses in plants
Tel +49 (0)711 / 459-23681 -

Prof. Dr. Anna Treydte
Associate Professor in Nature and Environmental Management, Stockholm University


MSc & BSc students, interns  

Clemens Anschütz
Biodiversity of tropical smallholder farms under different development paths

Yichin Flora Chiu
Revealing the spatial relationship between crops and wild boar carcasses using remote sensing to support epidemiological risk assessment

Farzin Nourisamani
Effects of landscape heterogeneity on farmland bats

Glory Shemlon
The role of bats in agricultural pest control: A literature review of temperate agro-ecosystems

Georg Voppel
Effekte von Impatiens glandulifera auf die Bestäubervielfalt

Lintang Yodhy
Effects of oil palm management on bird diversity