Our department

Welcome to the Ecology of Agricultural Systems group!

We do research on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services of tropical and temperate farming systems and agricultural landscapes. Our aim is the development of novel farming practices that promote agricultural productivity, while sustaining biodiversity, functioning and services of ecosystems. More information

Our working group is a member of the Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute for Tropical Agricultural Sciences as well as of the Center of Excellence for Biodiversity and integrative Taxonomy KomBioTa.


Department of Ecology of Tropical Agricultural Systems
Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute)

Garbenstrasse 13
Building 03.33
Room 0.28 (Secretary)
70599 Stuttgart, Germany

0711 459 23505 (Secretary)
E-Mail (Secretary)


Follow us on Twitter @HansInstitut

Public Ecology Colloquium in winter term 2024/25

To the program

Tuesdays, 16:15 - 17:45 in lecture hall HS 4

Jointly organized by the Departments of Landscape Ecology & Vegetation Science, Plant Ecology, Ecology of Tropical Agricultural Systems, and Applied Entomology.

All interested people are welcome!