Klara Dietrich

Doctoral candidate

Agroecological management of olive orchards

Tel: +49 (0)711 / 459-23505 

e-mail: klara_dietrich@gmx.de


Research project

In my research project, I focus on investigating agroecological practices within olive farming systems. The goal of my research is to identify key aspects for implementing agroecological practices in olive farming, analyse ecological interactions and economic factors in existing olive farms, and compare different management practices. Additionally, I assess the influence of surrounding land use and landscape structure on olive farms to comprehensively evaluate their effects.

To achieve these objectives, I examine both ecological and socioeconomic factors. I am conducting a detailed case study in the Latium region of Italy, where I collect data on selected farms regarding ecological and economic parameters (e.g., biodiversity, pest and beneficial species dynamics) and compare them based on their management practices. In addition, I analyse regional factors to estimate the development of olive orchards and provide evidence-based recommendations for sustainable olive production.


Short CV

During my bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Sciences, I developed a strong interest in ecologically sustainable approaches to food security. In my following master’s program in Environmental Protection and Agricultural Food Production at the University of Hohenheim, I examined in my thesis the effects of various olive farming systems on biodiversity and yield.

During my studies, I realized that relying solely on isolated approaches—either integrating conservation measures into farmed areas or keeping them entirely separate—is insufficient and that a paradigm shift in agriculture is necessary. Through my practical work in an olive orchard, I developed a specific focus on this agricultural system. Beyond ecological theory, I am committed to developing practical management systems and fostering synergies between agricultural practice and research.